
About Juggling for Jesus :

Want to know more about J4J? This page will give you with all the information you will need to have the J4Jministry at your next event!

Okay, so what does juggling have to do with Jesus?

Juggling for Jesus is a ministry for all ages. It incorporates using juggling, sleight of hand, and balancing acts to teach Biblical truths. This performance ministry evangelizes and edifies through humor and captivating stories within a series of entertaining but Biblically sound routines.

What can people learn from J4J?

Kids and adults alike can learn about Jesus, Biblical truths, and scripture while being entertained. This ministry utilizes a series of unique routines touching on a variety of topics. They are sometimes evangelistic, sometimes an encouragement to Christians, and sometimes both.

What are the Routines?


This routine uses three cigar boxes, each with one letter of the word “JOY,” to demonstrate the importance of putting Jesus first, others second, and yourself last (Jesus Others Yourself = JOY). It also shows what happens when that order gets mixed up…


This is a three-club routine which shows how Jesus is the One who paid for our salvation through His shed blood on the cross, and we are saved through grace, and therefore we cannot earn it ourselves.


A sometimes humorous, mostly serious examination of Genesis 3. This includes the narrative of Adam and Eve in the garden and an explanation of the effects of sin and how this applies to our lives today.

1 John 1:7

Illustrated through sleight of hand about how to make our sin “disappear” as far away as the east is from the west, and includes a Biblical definition of confession and repentance.

Hebrews 4:12

The Word is sharper than any 2-edged sword…
machete juggling is sometimes the only way to get the surly teenagers in the back row to sit up and take notice. This routine is usually the grand finale with an altar call following.

Plate spinning, Juggling the easy way :

Many routines throughout the show include opportunities for audience participation.

John 8

Another sleight of hand illusion. This one shows how Jesus sets us free from the bondage of sin.


The Christian walk can be quite a balancing act! This routine of balancing on a board on top of a cylinder leads in to a discussion of the difference between just knowing about Jesus as compared to truly knowing Jesus.

The Full Show

The full show lasts around 45 minutes, however some routines may be omitted for a shorter time span, or for other considerations, such as omitting the machete routine for audiences of mostly young children, etc.


Maureen Wallace has been juggling since she was ten years old. When, at the age of twenty-one, while in college, she received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, and her life was forever changed. She has been involved with Juggling for Jesus since 1999, when after prayer, her secular juggling show was transformed into a Biblical teaching performance ministry.
In the beginning, while employed full-time as a physical therapist, she took vacation time to take this ministry on the road and once traveled over 1,500 miles doing 9 shows in 11 days to share the gospel in this unique way. Prior to getting married, she tried to take every opportunity that came her way. She has performed this ministry in front of crowds ranging from 5 to 500.
However, for the past 15 years, she has taken a break from juggling. Instead, she has focused on being a wife and homeschooling mother of two. And now, as her kids have grown up, she is opening up her J4J
ministry once again.

What is the fee?

Freely you have received, freely give.”

Matthew 10:8b

In a desire to avoid making merchandise of God, Maureen does not request a set fee. She hopes that budgetary considerations would never get in the way of an invitation for her to have the opportunity to reach people. Her goal is simply to glorify God by sharing the good news and truths about the Bible with her passion for juggling. What to host Maureen Wallace at your next event? To contact Maureen Wallace to host J4J at your next event, click the button below!

Juggling for Jesus: A Performance ministry by Maureen Wallace